Reiki & Shamanic Drumming Healing

Reiki drumming is a specialised method of healing that makes use of the sound waves from the drum to introduce Reiki energy more deeply into a client’s energy field to facilitate deep relaxation and stress relief. As stress is relieved, tensions in the physical body is released as well. 

Reiki drumming affects the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies simultaneously, helping to bring them into harmony while raising the vibratory rate to levels that may allow the body to accelerate its innate healing abilities. Drumming reminds our body of its ideal vibratory rate, which is in harmony with the pulse of the earth and the Universal flow of creation.

By adding the vibration of Shamanic drumming into your treatment it helps you journey deeper into lower world to connect with spirit and ancestors for a transformational journey into your soul

Reiki Drum Healing Journey

Combines Reiki Energy Flow with Sound Healing, to create a multidimensional approach to healing

Harmonises your energy with the heart of Mother Earth, to re-establish your natural rhythm

Balances the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies simultaneously

Relieves pain & stress and speeds up the healing

Reminds the body of its ideal vibratory state, and entrains the brain into an almost hypnotic state, where you can create the changes you want to see in your life.

Reiki & Shamanic Drumming treatment is for 1hour investment €110

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