Adding scared plant medicine of Mama Cacao to the Reiki energy it opens and softens the heart to a deeper connection to spirit and profound healing session. Cacao is a natural superfood offering nourishment to the body, while Reiki offers additional healing & aid in removing energetic stagnation & blockages.
Cacao is given prior to the reiki session to aid in opening your heart as you go deep into meditation. This provides for a more relaxed state of being in receiving the healing reiki energy, which works to clear the blocked emotional and physical energy held within the body that leads to illness and dis-ease.
Reiki & Cacao can treat the following;
Reconnecting the Love of Self which is the natural condition of the human being before any conditioning of thoughts or emotions.
Deepening our connection to ourselves and to the energy center of the heart.
Softly support all the deep changes we aspire to.
Deepen our understanding of what we are,
To heal from our wounds.
To leave old models of thoughts.
Enter a space of infinite possibilities and confidence.
Open our heart to the Light.
Duration of this session 90mins investment €110